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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Evolution of a Super Real Estate Salesperson (Part One)

Things are definitely different in the industry since the start of 2011. Given the intervention of CEA, the barrier to entry into the real estate market has been greatly increased. On surface level, this was definitely a good move by the government to clean up the many “acts” but on the other hand, this has caused more turbulence in the market, with the most obvious being getting the real estate practicing licence. Gone are the days whereby anyone, and I do meant anyone coming to age, can just pick up an application form and join the industry as a real estate salesperson, with or without relevant training.

But what is more subliminal about this standardization move of the government is how real estate salespeople have to behave and act in the days to come. Given the convenience of the market now, such as multiple online property websites and resources, and also the transparency of real estate salespeople (checking up on salespeople can be easily done via, the ultimate impact of all these adjustments will be the evolution of the real estate salespeople.
Many might suggest that what I had mentioned is ridiculous, but I believe those in the market would have felt the aftershock by now. Take a look at the upcoming question and take a moment to think before you continue to read this article. 

Why do you need a real estate salesperson for in this current market?” 

When they first standardized the insurance industry, many panicked and many were forced to leave the industry. Some had no choice due to ever growing requirements, while others left because they do not see any light at the end of the tunnel. However, the industry still remains attractive today to many insurance salespeople because they know that they are still the indispensible force that drives the industry. Although there are many online sites and other methods that allow you to get the insurance policy or coverage required without ever meeting a salesperson, nothing feels more right and convenient than getting an insurance salesperson to go through the details of the policies and completing tedious paperwork on your behalf. And the best part is that no commission is paid by you (not directly from you, of course).
Is the real estate industry like our counterpart industry? Will the real estate industry progress on without us? And most importantly, will real estate salespeople ever become obsolete?

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